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15 Tips For Entrepreneurs To Manage Stress & Anxiety
What if I told you there’s one overlooked but super effective personal development program out there guaranteed to show you exactly what heights you can reach? There is, and it’s owning your own business. There’s nothing so challenging, chaotic, and rewarding as...
How to reduce chaos in your life
Yep, those unconscious behaviors to bury crucial information in piles of papers and magazines, agree to meetings without noting on your calendar, and forgetting to pick up the milk or even the kids… is a strategy. It’s not a helpful strategy, but face it, it’s an...
Why Should you treat and love yourself
Many of us with busy lives, especially those trying to run their own business, run on chaos. And let’s face it, by doing so, each of us is making an unconscious choice to continue this cycle which will eventually lead to burn out and failure. When you pause to think...
How Does Owning Your Own Business Allow You the Freedom to Find Yourself?
You know the saying, "you can't find yourself if you're lost in the crowd." It's so true. But, you’re not some set of keys you misplaced. When you're stuck in a job you hate, it's challenging to find the freedom or inspiration to figure out what you really want in...
Comparison – The Sneaky Thief of Joy
If you’re a leader or you work with leaders, with teams, and you want to increase your impact… This message can help you a lot… With this same 'shift' I’ll share with you, a dear client - a CEO and owner of a very profitable clinic, whose identity I will protect -...
What are the different types of leadership styles
And, it is not just influencing. While between the leader and followers, influence is mutual, together, they influence the environment around them in some way, and it goes beyond goals. There is a purpose, a cause which is broad enough to create a vision that connects...
Name Your Values Before Setting Goals
At the beginning of a new year, many business owners are ready to jump, list in hand, with goals for the coming year. That kind of spirit is the reason I love my work as a business consultant and executive coach. Business leaders are doers. They want change. But...