Although the Covid-19 pandemic eventually settled, there are still some long-term repercussions that the overall workforce must face. Considering how the way we work has evolved, it’s only natural that the demands from people in leadership positions have also changed.

So, what sort of leadership qualities should you possess to excel in a 21st century workplace? Worry not, as we’ve compiled a list of skills that can improve your abilities as a leader.

Top 10 Leadership Qualities

1. Strong and clear values

Every company starts with the leader. Considered to be the heart of the organization, dynamic and high stakes work environments like law firms and medical practices tend to fail without a proper leader.

For an organizational leader to progress, they must live by certain values. In addition to that, every CEO, or a leader in a similar position must know where their strengths lie in a 21st century workplace environment.

2. Interaction with your team

When working at a law firm, for example, your team members are the cogs that keep the engine running. This makes it especially important to continue interacting with your team.

Leaders must now possess proper knowledge of different channels to effectively communicate with their team. After all, interaction is an important of the leadership.

3. Choosing the right leadership philosophies

Another essential quality for a leader in a 21st century workplace involves relying on set leadership philosophies.

This is especially apparent in workplaces where circumstances can change at a moment’s notice and adapting to changes quickly is never easy.

4. Understanding your role as a leader and gaining competencies

After forming your core values and learning about who you are as a leader, another essential leadership quality involves understanding your role as a leader at the firm or practice.

In addition to that, it’s crucial that you build relevant competencies to lead your firm or practice effectively.

This is important because adopting proper competencies needed to lead allows you to create the culture you want in the workplace.

5. Creating proper workplace culture and engaging your teams

Speaking of culture, creating a workplace culture you want to lead by is also an essential leadership quality.

Take law firms, for example. The managing partner, who is the one leading the law firms, should ensure that their team shares the same values and beliefs when taking on cases. This way the leader can trust their team members to take on cases with the same beliefs that they expect.

Additionally, the people who lead these firms and practices should also provide team members with necessary guidance to build these values and beliefs.

6. Identifying And Providing Solutions to the Patients and Overall Clientele

This leadership quality is essential in today’s workplaces and is a secret advantage that gives some leaders an edge over the rest. In some work environments where interaction with clients and patients is part of the job, not every employee can handle certain clients.

That’s where a leader steps in to identify appropriate solutions for patients’ concerns and providing them with options to choose from. In this way, the leader provides the team with a learning opportunity, and inspires them to find solutions for unique issues.

7. Overall Quality Improvement and Organizational Development

Another highly sought-after leadership quality in today’s workplace is the leader’s ability to identify issues that team members and employees are going through and providing efficient solutions for these problems.

When you or team members deliver products or services to the company, they are often faced with certain challenges along the way.

Take a medical practice for example. When performing an operation on a patient, some unforeseen complications may arise, which may require a solution on the go.

A good leader will step up to the responsibility and provide a proper solution according to the problem at hand.

This may require the leader to be educated in the use of certain skills or tools regarding quality improvement and organizational development to find the solution to the problem.

8. Form a Team working Oriented Environment

An exceptional leader always treats employees like they are managing a team. Hence, the sign of a good leader is the team chemistry they promote and encourage among their employees. How is that exactly beneficial in terms of work?

It is a good practice because a team that works together will create a cohesive work environment, resulting in a higher productivity level.

9. Promote a Positive Work Atmosphere

Positivity promotes nurturance, so how does a leader contribute to shaping a positive work atmosphere?

Exceptional leaders can take certain steps to ensure a positive working environment, like being aware of how they address their co-workers and fellow employees.

Additionally, they should celebrate all successes, big or small. This will promote a positive atmosphere in the workplace where employees aim higher than before.

10. Be Authentic

A good leader is always authentic, and this especially applies to workplaces in the 21st century. People now look for leaders who are authentic and stand out from the crowd.

When looking for someone to fill a leadership role, companies choose professionals who don’t put up a front and show their true, authentic selves when talking to the directors in the interview.


Now that workplaces have become more dynamic, it’s time for leadership qualities to address changing needs.

Keeping these leadership qualities in mind, one can excel in any leadership position and mould themselves to become the best professional to lead a team.

Of course, not all leaders are born with such skills naturally. That’s where a coach can assist them in nurturing leadership qualities and reach new milestones with their team. Click here to book a coaching session with me now and look forward to enhancing your leadership abilities!