Myth: Hitting a Wall in Your Career Means It’s Over

Myth: Hitting a Wall in Your Career Means It’s Over

If you’ve ever felt like you’ve hit a wall in your career—stuck in the same role, no longer growing, and feeling uninspired—it’s easy to think that it might be the end of the road for your professional development. You might even start to believe that there’s nothing...

Light Your Path is keeping me on my path

Terry’s skillfulness shines through in her Masterclass and I’m finding it extremely helpful. Light Your Path is keeping me on my path and I’m manifesting in new and surprisingly simple ways — I’ve already had a couple big epiphanies! I know all this stuff,...
Leadership Skills Competencies at Work

Leadership Skills Competencies at Work

You know what business owners fail to think about?   Their business is like having a child.  It cannot be stuffed in a closet or left alone. It needs to be in capable hands if you’re going to be gone.  Business owners who aren’t aware of this get all excited for...